Book Giveaway | Road Trip | Doughnuts

20th June 2020

CY Ong
4 min readJun 20, 2020


Used to write journal for fun. Now I will be writing it for real. It will be every day (if I miss one day, I will replace it the next day). It will be raw and unfiltered. I’ll try to avoid repeating the topics to avoid being boring. No promises though, because life is boring, sometimes. Enough rambling. Let’s get started.

Photo by Tom Hermans on Unsplash

Book Giveaway

Let’s start with something meaningful. I like to read, and I’ve bought many books over the years. Some books are useful to keep and read again. Some are just for one-time-read. After I finished the books, they all went into boxes and waiting to be forgotten. So recently I had an idea to clear out the old books that I’ve read. There were a few options: donate it to a library, sell it cheaply online, or sell it to secondhand bookstore. However, I did not feel like it’s meaningful enough to do any of that. Donating it to a library might be the easiest thing to do but I don’t want my books (they are like my friends) being sent to an “orphanage” and just waiting for people to visit them once in while or not at all. Selling it online? Too much hassle. Sell it to secondhand bookstore? Tell me when was the last time you saw or bought a book from secondhand bookstore? So, in the end I chose to do a giveaway campaign on Facebook. Good news, the first book was adopted this morning. It will be sent to the new owner next week. I’m happy and excited to be able to pass the book to someone who really wants to read it. More books will be given away and more people will benefit from this.

Photo by Anton Darius on Unsplash

Road Trip

Traveling from Kuala Lumpur to Kampar took me around two hours, equivalent to 29 songs on Spotify. A short and tiring trip but certainly an enjoyable one although it rained for quite some time. It’s been a while I did not drive solo to somewhere due to what’s happening around the world. When I was single, this kind of road trip used to be like a short getaway from the busy city life. I enjoy the peacefulness and kindness of this small town where I spent my university life. It’s been three years after we graduated and left this place. Coming back here always bring back most of the best memories of my life here. Every corner of this small town has its own story in my head. The nostalgia is beautiful in its own way. They say don’t look back; you’re not going that way. I say you are allowed look back if that makes you feel good and hopeful with your life. Coming back here and having the chance to stay over is one of the greatest experiences this year (I know, with everything happening, 2020 has set the bar so low).

Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash


Dunkin’ Donuts to be exact. The first time I had Dunkin Donuts was during my teenage year (around 13 years ago). At the time, my cousins were studying in Kuala Lumpur. When they came home, they brought home some Dunkin’ Donuts. Up until then, the doughnuts I had were those with sugar on top. I was amazed how many types of doughnuts were there. Today I stopped by Dunkin’ Donuts to buy some for my girlfriend and myself. I still don’t know how to choose from the variety of doughnuts. So, I randomly picked a few and one requested by my girlfriend. As expected, it tasted great. This goes to show that if you do one thing well, you can do it for many years provided the thing you do never turn obsolete in this modern world. Here’s the question for you, what is the one thing you’re good at and you’re willing to do it for the rest of your life?

