Things I might complete this week

5th July 2020

CY Ong
2 min readJul 6, 2020
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Finish a 700-page book

It’s possible but I’m not sure if I’m dedicated enough. It’s not a fiction, which make it even harder to read fast. maybe I should aim to read 150 pages per day. That sounds like a plan. Still not too sure but let’s try it out. It might work.

Complete at least 2 courses in Google Skillshop

This is more attainable as the courses are basic enough for me to digest quickly. My final goal is to complete all the courses in Google Skillshop. It is a long way to go but I believe in continuous growth. In order to bring myself to a higher level, I need to be patience and learn anything that is useful to me.

Keep writing and learn how to write better

This is also a long process. I’m doing it but not good enough. I can write but not skillful enough. The only way for me to improve is to keep on reading and keep on writing. Yes, my life will be easier if I don’t insist only writing everyday but that is not what I want. I want to at least be a good writer who can write something inspiring and at least helped a little in the life of those who read my stories. It’s nothing groundbreaking but it can bring a little happiness into their life.

Sleep better

Before this short break, I slept terribly. I did not rest well. Near the end of my previous job, I actually felt more stressed. I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s because I was too free and I couldn’t wait to end it. I guess I’m a typical workaholic who can’t live without any on-hand job task. Now is the best time to rest better with all the above tasks I’ve set for myself.

